"Smith -Corona, FOR SALE ThreearoomTj rage, azi tast Brown, i-wi-i 720 BROOKHAVEN BricTcl JKoyai. Adding machines. Louis light Homemakers Club. A.Schrenk, 514JVest Fourth, five rooms bath. Utility, Vi baths.
old Meaaiuon eiec trie heat Redwood Drive. J. Abraham. 522-5733-i 'All electric home is like EVERGREEN DRIVE New- 3 bedroom brick veneer; ed, large kitchen with dining area, aluminum storms and screens, gas, hot water Family room or garage. Car-, tion exercises for our minister at Louisville College Tuesday of this week, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Prince attended the funeral of COMPLETE Clock Writs Your Ad: Mall To: SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE GENUINE FILTER Oueen 'Backyard fenced. Hen-j parts. Sales ft Service. Edith with modern methods and equipment.
Antique watches ry Realtor. HilL Route 1 Seym0ur.Phone Phone 522-4366. and clocks restored. R. 1 READY FOR VACATION? i uaiejrnucneai vai.
ireetown East Sec. Ellis Jewelers.404 port. Beldon Real Estate Of- -ficei 522-2654. Evenings.i 522-" 5141 j- 61TEAST SIXTH ST. Four ond St, tSatordayBasa (HALEYS-ntennarService' NEW: LISTING18Eyergreen rooms aiu hi Dr.
3 bedroom brick, only 1 yr. olf. carpet hdwd. complete insurance coverage. Phone 522-5459.
extra good condition. Lot' 50 100. Henry-Krumme Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fleetwood visited their auntr Mrs.
Nellie- Stillwell, and family FOOD SALE Saturday, 13, in front of Paris Style, 10:00. St. Paul's United lg. gar.f lV41ots, ideal for Realtor. Phone 522-4366.
304 HIGHLAWN AVE. Un-' finished house with extra lot, Down, $50 per-month. -phone-522274. Please run my classified ad for days. Enclosed is, full paymert of or please bill me later, at Ijieloyy.
Charge. WEEK-END SPECIAL NEW- USTTNGMJt- K- 60East 1 Church, of Christ. recently, "NTCHTER" With oil change and wiur 3 bednn oifer 51.00 grease job. Keith'- DEE'S BEAUTY Shop. .405 E.
Ralph Baughman and of Seymour, visited his B27 N. ELM. Six rooms, bath. REAL ESTATE 1 0 Word Minimum .00 Minlrrajrn, Charge Write Ad Here (Pfease Print) ley's Texaco. Fourth St.
Phone 522-6533. hath. va barn corn crib, chicken house, storage shed, plenty of shade. MATCH Bargain house across parents, Mri and Mrs, Ralph two other buildings. Lot ,82 347.
Henry Realtor. Phone 522-4366: High School FULLER BRUSH Products I ECKRICH wieners One lb, 4 R. on 2A 723 North St Sunday. THIS. HQ W.
Freeman 3 bedrm. package, 59c. Walnut St. Mar-j Marjorie Sparks, 344 South Broadway Free 4 317 North Broadwayf Larry' Pogue. and family, ofl stone with IV4 baths, abundance ket.
B900 N. PARK. Five rooms, and 3 B.R. 33 North Poplar St. 3 B.R.
616 South Broadwayi Azalia, were dinner euests of of cabinets, in excellent con-. dition Ig. rooms, Ig. gar. OLD FASHION Square dance, bath.
Comer lot. Home is. in good condition. Henry Krumme, Jr. Realtor.
Phone 2 U.K. Near Jonesvme RUGS DIRTY? Rent Electric 2 B.R.-Stone 617 E. 15th St. their parents Mr. and Mrs Herbert Pogue and Jim Sun day.
108 E. Harrison 3 bedrm brick, May 13, 8:00 to 12:00 o'clock. Carr Township Conservation Club. shampooer. for- $1 with purchase of Lustre Foam.
At Sey- 2 Houses (Same Lot) W. 2nd A O'D C.m ROD AtU family room, utility gas corner lot. choice. Mr. and Mrs.
Ancil 511 EAST TIPTON. A 4ouble- uviu wit C3ill. Second St. 522-3192. SAVEDollarsHi- Ask us about $100 deductible 848 N.
Blish 5 rooms "with 'u CRANE RENTAL I CLASSIFIED RATES of Brownstown, spent Sund tility gas immediate 17 Vi TON irucK crane, 80' on Home Owners Ins, And with Dora Cross and CUSTOM BUTCHERING Har 3 rooms and batn, and 4 rooms and bath. Also 30x30 building in rear. Henry Krum- me, Jr. Realtor. Phone jjosi cosx auio insurance 1 possession.
WILL, SELL ON boom, 30' jib. Call 1 insertion 2 insertions: 3 insertions: low Meat Market, 218 So. Chestnut: Phone 522-1654. 4 insertions. 14c per word 5 Insertions.
15c per word 6 insertions. 1 6c per word 5c per word -9e per word 13c per word yPhone 522-4531 daughter Mary. Mr-and Mrs. Vance True 622 S. Vine Sroom' story inaiapa.
1406 MILL ST, 3 rooms Wi with good size rooms, plenty of storage. $6800.00. KIRBY SALES Service. The! fc- BY- OWNER Three- bedroom: DONNA'S BEAUTY Shop. Vehs-I blood attended the funeral of Mrs.
Ray Drager at BrownsJ 1 ML E. of Brownstown on U. lage Building. 522-3057. Walk-In: a r.
in I I occuna, Dee ntve town Sunday. or. appointment. oath down; 3 rooms and bath-up. 3 Space heaters: Priced, to sell Immediate possession.
Henry Krumme, Realtor. 522-1 4366. rnone oaruw. S. 50 3 bedrm on 230 127 lot; oil good well, ideal country home." REDUCED VACANT.
air-conditioning, large living room, dining-room, full basement, fenced backyard with garage. Opposite Sunset Parkway. Phone 522-1344. Mr. and Mrs.
Cedric Fowler; BINOCULAR SALE 7x35 With STREET CITY jt STATE SIGNATURE PH. and daughter, of Indianapolis, 30 EMPLOYMENT-MEN 1504 Shields Ave. 3 bedroom were Sunday visitors of Mr 409 LEE BLVD. Frame, alumi 604 JACKSON ST. Two beS- and Mrs.
Frank Ratcliff tod WANTED TO HIRE man for brick, -2 baths, family -room, entry hall, built-in gas appliances in gar. patio. MANY MORE EXTRAS, GOLFER'S-DREAM. daughter Kathleen. learner case, were $25.95, Special 7x50, were $32.50, now 7x35 Wide Angle, Regular $39.95, now Your Headquarters for Sports.
We have over 1,000 new items. Stewart's, 120 Jeff Ave. num siding, 6-rooms, 2 baths, basement Closed porch. Garage. Henry Krumme, Jr.
Realtor. Phone 522-4366- general labor. Phone 966-4231, Medora. Reta and Brenda Brock spent rbomsf, bath, built-in -kitchen, cellar, under kitchen, two gas space heaters. Price $5,850.
No contract Arthur-A. Wilde, Phone 522-2371. 61 WANTED FEMALE 103-FOftRENT ROOMS, APTS. Saturday night with their 31-A 4 room sided with hdwd. szi noble ST.
Five rooms; grandmother Mrs. Ethel Brock 31 EMPLOYMENT-WOMEN 1 and bath 619 Noble three firs, ex. lg. gar and lot. CONVENIENT FOR COLUMBUS COMMUTERS.
at Freetown. CUSTOM MADE slip covers Entertainment every Tues 1609 EAST THIRD. DouWcJflve rooms and bath. -The-two 1 FOR RENT 2-Room furnished apartment. 1305 East Tipton.
522-2519. SARAH COVENTRY Jewelry made in my home. Phone homes are to be sold toseth Fairview 3 bedrm stone on Charley Brock and daughter Sharon accompanied by Lowell day night, Jackson County Fish Game Club. er. Henry Krumme, Real- tor.
Phone 022-4300. sells itself. No investment. No delivery. Two management openings.
Phone 522-5964, after 5 p.m. Taylor, of Freetown, were in rooms and bath down, three rooms and bath up. Storm doors and windows. 'Furnace heat A good income property. Henry Krumme, Realtor.
Phone 522-4366. ex. lg. lot, 1V3 baths, carpet, gar. IN TOP CONDITION CHECK THIS FOR COOL COUNTRY LIVING.
FOR FULLER brush products, WANTED Elderly lady to FOR RENT Three room un West Virginia this weekend. 021 CALTIN bLVD. Pive call Lorene Anderson. 522 6023 before 2:30. care for in my home.
Phone 522-3844. Mrs. Steve Allman received furnished apartment. Adults. Gas, water, heat paid.
522-! 4128. Bobtown Lg. 3 bedrm ranch on rooms, bath, closed back porch, basement, Garage. A' good location Henry Krumme, Realtor. Phone 522- DIAL A MEDITATION.
WANTED Ironings. Phone 522- word of the death of her grandfather, William Schleter, of 515 EAST 7th. Building 30x40 V2 acre, brick fireplace, l2x 26 family room, 2 car. gar. PRICED TO SELL, 522-1345 any hour, day orj iovo.
TWO ROOM furnished. Private LADY SEEKING office position. Experience in bookkeeping, accounts receivable and payable. Filing -etc. For interview; write P.
O. Box 515, Seymour. Priced to sell. Henry Krumme Jr. Realtor, Phone 522-4366: 4366.
nignt. Brownstown Saturday, bath. Bill Stein. We have many more for your, MARIAN HUTCHINSON is now FOR SALE By owner. 723 719 NORTH O'BRIEN Six THREE ROOM furnished apart-' 81 WANTED AGRICULTURAL selection.
uuMrAKU uuk VALUES. V. 3rd street. 2-Bedroom mod new operator, at Don-Lee, Beauty Salon, at Brownstown. 1 80 LEGAL NOTICES ment.
one person, $14. 101 East Third. ern, nice garage and large4 lot Contact- Donald Marshrl WANTED Waitresses. Applyin person, Hotel Walton Coffee Shop. rooms and bath.
Porch. Oil furnace. Home ir in good '-ditionTA-good buy. Henry Krumme, Jr. Realtor.
Phone 5224366. WANTED Dead Stock. Re SLEEPING ROOM for em-Close in. 522-2598 or call 522-4781 after, for appointment moved every day in Call F. F.
Buhner Seymour. MILTPOLLERT REALTOR ployed gentleman. Phone 522-3888. NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Metropolitan School District of Vernon Townihlp, Jeckaon Coun ty, Indiana, will receive bide lit the Office f-the- Superintendent of Mld-School-OUtrlctinUI June WANTED Waitress. F.xJ 21-BUSlNESS SERVICES- 522-3303 or Brownstown Feed 305 CARTER Nice3- B35 "St New Bed3 I perienced preferred: Good payiL xchangei-Phonfr-72r-olum-H TWO ROOM furnished apart-' ford stone.
3 bedrooms. 'kit- 404 N. Chestnut 522-2112 or 522-1844 bus Reduction Co. weeK-ends. xne fines 522H 4955.
JAN'S BEAUTY Salon. 317 N. ment. Utilities paid. Adults only.
110 S. Vine-Street. Call 522-3667, after 3 p. rii. Dearoom, 1V2 batns, kitchen, dining, living room with fireplace, full basement.
Home in excellent condition. Henry Krumme Realtor. Phone 5224366. WANTED Custom corn shell Walnut. 522-7230.
Janet Willey, 7 1961, at 4:30 p. m. for the follow- 00 Tons, or leu, Compacted Aggregate No. M'e 130 Tom, or leta, of Hot AaphalUc Concrete Binder S00 Tone, or leu, of Hot AephalUc Chen all built-ins. Large liv-f ing room.
Basement. Double lot. A good buy. Henry. Krumme, Phone 5224366- BY OWNER Three bedroom WANTED Lady for general housework.
814 North Park JStPhone 522J419. modern Brick veneer, with Betty wnson. open evenings by ing and hauling. Opal Per-, singer, Medora, Indiana. Phone 966-4231.
basement and garage. 1 Good FOR RENT Small unfurnished location, Phone 522-5342. Concrete surface Type a ACTON'S Interior and Exterior 1 AAA 022" N. CHESTNUT Three of Asphalt- let apartment. Near downtown.
Ideal for retired 434 W. 9TH S' rmma Wh LADY- who is home most of, time to answer phone. Must have pleasant voice and di4-: Tack, RS-t or AE-T Painting. Work guaranteed. Phone 497.3311.
I.060 faUont. or lea, of Aiphalt GOOD BUYS 824-WANTED MISCELLANEOUS uiuuy, new caoineu in kitchen, gas furnace, front St pack porch. Garage, carport Home in vcllont onnitirn TWO NICE clean sleeping rooms, CIRCLE and hand saws shar Box 395, Mitchell, for employed men only. 316 Second. St.
rooms, Vi bath down; 3 rooms, bath up. Front and back Part basement. Gas furnace, Immediate possession. Henryi Krumme Realtor. Phone) 5224366.
LT. i BUSINESS Building 117 EaSt 614 West 8th 2-bedroom, large ANTIQUES WANTED JU1 CTeniyTKrommerRefltor Prime, RC-0 or HC-70 Complete peclflctlon anT form of bid are on file at the office of the Superintendent, .812 East Main Street, Crothertvllle, Indiana. Each bid must accompanied by bid bond or certified check for 10 per cent of the bid and filed on a form as prescribed by the State WANTEDCocktail waitressest pened, retoothed and set. E. Wr Young, Depot RoadLEwing, Indiana.
types inar glassy furniture; IOOO. i- am uuuiy. lot Priced to sell. SLEEPING ROOM with pri 700 W. Jackson 4-bedroom.
425 WESTERN PARKWAY. Six vate bath for working gentleman. Phone 522-6871. tnree night week. Apply Walton Hotel.
See Mr. Ivan Bridgewater or Mr. John Bryant. No phone calls. PLUMBING HEATING New gas furnace.
Improved iwil9, tiuvna, CUIUS, WWUC1I, iron; copper items. Please write Kenneth Lawton, Vevay, Indiana. rooms ana nam, 3 Dearooms, living-dinette area and family Sparks, 344 South Broadway. sireei- i-iow pneea. Board or Accounts ana accompaniea by non-colluilen affidavit.
The school board reserves the right to Call 522-1413. TWO ROOM furnished apart 522-2931 room. Home in extra good Second 2 story, double wasn room on both floors. This building is in good condition and a good Jbuy.JHenryl Krumme, Realtor. Phone 5224366.
WANTED Steady cocktail back WANTED TO BUYsediT5Ilh-psai rsv-Worth-l-iENEKGEN'(INe; Hfeondition Large lot, reject any and all bids. BAKER ANTENNA'S Complete. 1 waitress at Waltorr See 1 yard fenced. Henry Krumme, Biuy k. xnsier i auKAiNUli; REALTORS I JrJlealtor.
Phone 5224366. M1M9 SLEEPING ROOM for employ-! bales Service. New and used antennas and rotors. 1458 West Second. Mr, Ivan Bridgewater or Mr.
John Bryant No phone, calls accepted. 615 INDIANAPOLIS AVE. Five secretary 4 household. Auction sale Union-town, Friday night arid Sunday afternoon. Phone 522-7792.
rooms and bath, space heater ea gentleman. 723 N. Chest-' nut. 522-5249, asphalt siding. Henry Krumme, 10-LOSTAND FOUND Realtor.
Phone SEYMOUR AUCTION 215 NORGE EQUTPFED 40-BUSiNESS OPPORTUNITIES South-Chestnut Street. 446EELVDJSixroomsv! to E)gs 107 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS LOST-Wbite td t-v 1V2 baths, full basement, fire place in living room. Gas fur farrow. 11 Miles east of Union town. Will pay for your trou bring our lruclc-and cash for good clean furniture, appliances and antiques, i phone 522050.
After 5:00, phone'522-6451. REICH ENBA GROCERY And FOR RENT Convalescent Aids ble. North Vernon, 346-5282 uving quarters for sale at Cortland. Fully stocked, Will corner lot, A good buy. Henry Krumme, Realtor Phone 522-4366.
seu reasonaoie. Henry Reichen ba. Phone 522-7910. Hospital Beds, Wheel Chairs, Invalid Crutches, Canes, etc. Baldwin Drug Store, 522-5409.
WHEN CLEANING house, don't 20-NOTICES SCrWICG DI0EC7 ORY Th Ar Keady to $efv You fieCIeaneit Wash lTpwn' Feattier- Beds made into' pillows. Feathers Revitalized for soft- ness and comfort Pillows Cleaned throw anything' away, before calling 497-2708. CLEARSPRING Grocery WEDDING Invitations. up per hundred. Mrs.
Ervinj SPACE FOR modern trailers. A Home Is Your Best Investment The Place To Start Is Empire P0ttschmidt, 522-5496. Taylor's Trailer Park, 1305 EasMTipton-street. 522-2519. 90-4NSTRUCTION rooms, and batn attached.
Equipment, plus inventory. A good going business, on 3 lots. A real opportunity. Henry Realtoc, Phone 522-4366. -akBkJkMsisai si -SALE! Wash 'N Wear casual APPLIANCE REPAIR (PIANO, ORGAN and accordion piUQW Lady Hostess On Duty At AH Times, HOUSE-CLEANING Emerson Dr.
2-bedroom. slacks, $4.95. Rlchart's Men's Shop." TEXTILE WORKERS Union Hall for rent for meetings, parties, etc. Highway 1 31, lessons at your home, ciassl-, cal or popular, Frank Boling-er72l0 E. 3rd St.
asbestos shintle Full basement Gas heat Neat KURTZ Grocery Store and alt IF IT IS electrical and doesnt south; of 50. Call Audra Bo- SERVICEMASTER BIG BASS CONTEST equipment. Building in extra ana ciean. gard, 522-1858, after 4:00. run, oring it to Heiwigs, izu Carpets, rugs, furniture, walls Starts this week.
Stop in at sunaaya 11 A.M. to 80 PJH. I eZod condlUon. Good buy for' S-ChestnutPhone 522-3669. hand floorsrPhone 622-2846.
Stewart for complete details; Under Construction ta nJ anyone that would like 708 -West Tipton St IFOR RENT: Crutches, wheel! .95 PETS AND HOBBIES Stewart's Appliances, 120 Jeff business of his own. Also a iour-Dearoom homes In Wen-1 REFRIGERATION Alron- chairs, walkers, baby scales L-Sgrr r- Avenue. uemere estates. DEMOLITION SERVICE ditioner service, Call Fenton BAKERS CONCRETE Re TIME TO fiddle? Buy a mod-! Seymour Pharmacy, 601 West Second. Phone 522-3192.
nice -home, five years old. Henry Krumme, 'Realtor. Phone 522-4366. Products. 5224493, 935 modeling.
Also build new 211 MARSHALL DRIVE 3 Shields Ave. homes. Phone 522-2992. Ray DEMOLITION Building wreck-; bedroom brick veneer. Large el ship to whittle.
Complete hobbies, model car Spencer's Food' 8t Hobby, 2015 Ewlng. 522-7480. FOR RENT Space for modern mond Baxer. 230 S. CHESTNUT.
Business WASHER DRYER Repair carpeiea. Beautiful ea ana removea. usea ma terial for sale. Martin Wreck-' Hng; Phone 522-3938 or 522 trailers. Hilltop Trailer Park.
115 South O'Brien, 522-1987. building. Two apartments up Gafviaa a A Drvvrlntf nome reaay for occupancy. sTdifivcj. U4i a.
a vmmvi-o ,1 BOAT SALE New 12' aluminum, were 79.95, Special 12' Regular $129.95, Special 10': Regular $95. Special $79.95. I mraedlate aelivery on new! Johnson Outboards, from 50 up. Good used motors, from $49 up. Stewart's, 120 Jeff CONSTRUCTION ft Sparks.
344 S. Broadway. -Building in tood condition. A mntrV Club Rd. Phone 522.
1 256o FREE-Want-gchomesort tsrooknavenDrive You can af 0-0 investment; Henryi 44H3. or car, GARAGE 316 East for storage' Second St. kittenit522-7203. ford this home. Two-story co- Krumme Realtor.
Phone 522-4366. I lonuu. lnree Dearooms. Fa- AIR-CONDITIONING HOUSE RAISING. Sills and UWN MOWER REPAIR muy.
room. Bath and Vs. AH residential, Commercial, Iri- FREE Part Collie pups. Phone 522-5605. SPACE for modem mobile home on U.S.
31. two miles -Ave. eiectno Gold Medallion home floor joists replaced. Phone or write G. M.
Curtis, Oolitic, inaianaT27M3S02II: austriai and Automotive sales ONE of the top taverns in iMOCTr Complete tune-up-ser Seymour isforsalerlf 'youi i5lOUTHrPAlUCl)RtVl -and service for all makes: Par-dieck Air-conditioning Heat BOARDING-breedins Service Mowie Home Park. LUCILLE'S Antique 603 South Lucille Baurley. are uivei enieu 111 iiiuauik a apacious 4-bedroom modern. 1 at Walker's Kennels. Phone ing, rnone 022-7662.
SEPTIC TANKS and cesspools 1 a 1 Bwu iciuiu. vii juui uivutj Carpeted. Carport. 1 t. mnl oti-liM, 1 a.m.
1 coniaci: unpire-neaiiy, oca-. k.cuiieu ncHsuuauie rates. xay- GAS HEATING Appliance vice town, specializing in Lawn-Boy, Stra-ton, Toro and all other makes of outboards, tillers and chain saws. Free Pickup. Fisher's Small Engines, corner of Chestnut Si Brown.
522-3705. 6421. POLLY'S Beauty Shop, 1480 East 14th. Bedroom, brick 120-FORSALE SEYMOUR PROPERTY mond Fianck, Koute 3, Seymour. Phone 522-2350.
Repair. Miller Appliance, Service. Phone 522-6Q7L N. Pauline Hardy Appointments. BROWNSTOWN Feed store Tcuccr, nsruwooa noors, gas heat, fenced A 100 FOR RENT SEYMOUR PROPERTY uua nome to start in.
V22 ft 624 EAST TIPTON One Building and Hatchery, two large lots. This is good buy for someone who is interested SEYMOUR Typewriter TEx-change. Olympia, Royal, Re-builts. Repairs, Rentals, Phone 522-4737. AUTO REPAIR 4 home has 4 rooms bath FOUR ROOM unfurnished Shields Ave.
-Bedford lime-; COMPLETE power mower ser "GETTING. Married or going to the Prom? Men's Formal wear renting at $8.50 Rich-art's Men's Shop." in starting in business. Henry! down; 3 rooms bath up. Full basement. 2 saraees.
house, bath and utility. Phone stone ranch. I Bedrooms, city. vice and repairs Seymour Small Engines. 726 E.
TiP- 022-2204. Krumme, Realtor. Phone 522-4366. All buildings in. good condl- SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, davl muiues, urge oacxyara with privacy- fence, Blocks rtonrPhone 5224777C -I or -night.
Reasonablerates. rrom Reddlnr SchooL uon. A good locauon and a good- Henry Krumme, Realtor. 522-4366. Murphy's Septic Tank Ser CARE 101 FOR RENT BROWNSTOWN PROPERTY REAL ESTATE LISTING WASH YOUR CAR On Me Withthe purchaseTor 8-12-; 16 gal.
of Gulf Gasoline. Stop in and see How You! Save. Keep your car looking like new. often! Dick's rCoin'-tDperated' Car Wash, 1001 W. BrowiT St.
Formerly Wand-A-Magic. NORTH MILL ST. Three bed- EMPIRE WILL CARE for children in i my home, anytime Phone WANTED rFEEbftMLL OPERATOR WHO DOESITXistwith PLASTERING and drywall. Commercial and: Residential. Guaranteed-A-l work." Free IN BROWNSTOWN Modern 2 room.TCloseinr:LiargeTiving -roomrGasheatrAluminum storms.
Low Ideal for REALTY CORP. 643-2431. to Milt Pollert Real Estate. Phone 522-2 1 12. v.
bedroom mobile home, can Brownstown 209-K, after 4:30. estimates, pnone 522-7981 or retired. Termite treated. Bel-I 522-7054. WANTED-Baby-sitter in my don RealEstate Office 522 nome.
rnone- o-o aner FOR RENT Modern trailer. -2654. Evenings 522-5141 or 522- FRAME alignment and front Must Be and Over 1 8 Tipton Chestnut "Designed to Serve Your Ewing( axle and susDension alum -EARTHMOVINO- PRINTING -v- Housing Needs ment Any make. Also trucks. WILL CARE for: child in my Phone 522-7222.
522-6421 611 NOBLE STfcFive rooms and MM Call Jerry Isaacs. Rcxa Acre Fcrtr.s, I home, G7cdMPANY-air522- 1 ENGRAVED-PRINtED "1 KHddick Garare. jWedding Invitations. Marriage Home: Hal Ahlbrand 522-6830 CaH JackEmley- 522-5090 WANitu iiaDy-amer in my bath. Fireplace in living room.
Immediate Henry Krumme; Realtor. Phone 522-4366. 102 FOR RENT SUBURBAN PROPERTY 5496. Free estimates. Ervin Pottschmidt nome.
inquire a ast Laurel nmouncemenu. Keceptlon in-1 i vitations. Informal. Thank1 I I You Notes. Personalized Paperl WILXr BABYSIT in myjhome; iFORSALE: FURNISH ED4-Room modeni FORSALE 4-Room modern! BICYCLE REPAIR uau o-ax.
apjuna-watcnesPlaying- Cards and Pencils Seymour 1 houserXorner lot. $500 down. ORLEASE- house in Jonesville: Elderly couple or working No Takeroverpayments "off $45, uauy iTiDune. 1215 East Tip-" ton St. A peU.
522-1572. Warehouse and Office Building, per month. 522-7989. 60 SITUATIONS WANTED 'male ENGELKINCS bicycle' Saw Located at 100 South St, (FOR RENT Four' room un 5 ROOM modern with garage; 8,000 Sar Ftrof Brien and Centennial j5tt.r-..-l- RUBBER STAMPS plus Automatic Sprinkling sys- INSIDE- PAINTING, exA furnished modern house with air-conditioning. Utility room and garage.
Phone 522-1516. Emerson School Empire Realty. Corp JPbone 4 neat and perienced. Reasonable KUCflLK -STAMPS. Inks and truck' loading Ideal lo-j I fzr jtzt (kino industrial coip i 1 CARPET CLEANING -Phone VaUonia- 967-3980-- cation Small Business, Sf.TO Rubber Stamps.
611 Mill St. T- TWO MILES out of city, $75 BY OWNER Five room house, Raymond Hauersper WANTED Painting, inside Or NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR ger. Phone 522-5274. CLEANING All garage, Emerson School dis-t trict- Phone 522-6601 or 522 outside. Phone 52-1875.
per month. Three bedroom modern Reference- Only two children, must be over 12. Phone v- work guaranteed. Dick-Car STORAGE 3837.. FOR SALE on Lot No.
59. new! penter. Phone. 522-3046, after WANTED Gardef plowfng.1 Brick, 3-bedroom home, Robin-! TQOL DIE MAKERS OR HELPERS YRS EXPERIENCE PREFERRED. OVERTIME HOSPITAL Uaii-noy KunKetI.a-3I27.; BY- OWNER 411 East' Third JTjRNrryRE, otherjtemslr Mllt3.PoUert,.Realtort:J522 2112.
nooo unve.snerwood Terrace. I' St Six rooms, bath basement, storea. 3-tory 19 PERCENT discount on all 1 ana garage, immeaiate posses- or 022sMSU3v evenings. LlCOPY SERVICER exterior painting during next1 f-ipjl, J7.500, PhOne 522-3285." r- APPLY IN PERSON: 103 fOR RENT ROOMS, ARTS." 824 ASH STREET. FiV rooms WRECKER SERVICE lour months: Phone 522-2237.
Leonard Tiemeyer. it- and bath, aluminum siding 623 NORTH EWWG: Four down, r- three nome in. extra good condl PHOTOSTAT cobles, maximum size 18" 24' Electrostatic WENTWORTH FOR RENT Newly decorated -WRECKER SERVICE ELM STREET I bSv sk'nJ. fo ics sc'JTa oxaa sTrin SfiYMOUfc, and bath, iionr-Stove-and refrigerator sieepin? rooms, and up. Weekly HotPl ing, painting, tpot-pUsterlng, wallpaper-steamingf roofing.
wliSPUW" ervice. 11 North Good location. Henry Phone 522- copies, maximum size 11" Seymour Daily Tribilhe, goes witn nome. Henry Krum merJr.T" RealtorrPhone -522 ElmjsCPhoneJ.522 tit-Phone 522-1142. 1 4366.
6873 1 i Jain A Sz. St.